Button Design In PowerBuilder
Source Code
uo_dwbutton from datawindow
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datawindow() table(column=(type=number name=dummy dbname="dummy" ))', ls_err) If Len(ls_err) > 0 Then MessageBox("DW Create Error", ls_err) End If //Forms a gradient of black and white For i_for = 0 To h1 ls_name = "line_"+String(i_for) //j_1 = RGB(i_for*255/h1,i_for*255/h1,i_for*255/h1) j_1 = RGB((i_for + ii_RedE) *ii_RedS/h1,(i_for + ii_GreenE )*ii_GreenS/h1,(i_for + ii_BlueE)*ii_BlueS/h1) ls_create = "create line(band=background x1='0'" ls_create = ls_create+" y1='"+String(i_for)+"' x2='"+String(w1)+"'" ls_create = ls_create+" y2='"+String(i_for)+"' name=line_"+String(i_for)+ " pen.color='"+String(j_1)+"' pen.width='1') " This.Modify(ls_create) Next ls_create = "create text(band=background alignment='0' text=' "+is_ButtonText+"' border='0' color='"+String(il_TextColor)+"' name=psp x='0' y='0' height='"+String(h1)+"' width='"+String(w1)+"' font.face='"+is_TextFont+"' font.height='"+String(il_TextSize)+"' font.weight='400' font.family='2' font.pitch='2' font.charset='0' background.mode='1' background.color='553648127')" This.Modify(ls_create) end event |
uo_picbutton from picture
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uo_textbutton from statictext
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Window Example
w_main from window
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