Multiple-Choice Questions About Powerbuilder Part 9
Question: 1 | SQLCA stands for: |
Answer | Structured Query Language Communication Area |
Question: 2 | What type of events you can define at the application object? |
Answer | Any event that is available in the event declaration dialog box. |
Only events that are not related to the user interactions. | |
Only events that are related to the distributed processing. | |
Only DDE events. | |
None of the above | |
Question: 3 | SQLSA stands for: |
Answer | Structured Query Language Dynamic Staging Area |
Question: 4 | Application’s open has the following script |
Answer | PowerBuilder stops the application as soon as the above script execution completes. |
Application keep waiting till it encounters Exit() function. | |
Application keep waiting till ‘Halt’ or ‘Halt with Close’ statement. | |
The above script is wrong. You can’t write anything other than the Open() function in the application’s Open event. | |
Question: 5 | SQLDA stands for: |
Answer | Structured Query Language Dynamic Description Area |
Question: 6 | Which one of the following is faster? |
Answer | Enabling and Disabling a menu item. |
Hiding and Displaying a menu item. | |
Creating menu items dynamically as and when needed and destoring them when done. | |
All of the above gives the same performance. | |
Question: 7 | DDE stands for: |
Answer | Dynamic Data Exchange |
Question: 8 | Application Object ConnectionBegin is fired when the connection begin in: |
Answer | Server Application Only |
Client Application Only | |
In Both Client & Server Applications | |
Depends on the Settings | |
None of the above | |
Question: 9 | OLE stands for: |
Answer | Object Linking and Embedding |
Question: 10 | Idle() function |
Answer | Makes the application idle and stops taking input from the user. |
Fires the Application object Idle event after the specified number of minutes. | |
Fires the Application object Idle event after the specified number of seconds. | |
Checks whether the application is idle and returns True/False value. | |
PowerBuilder doesn’t have Idle() function. | |
Question: 11 | MAPI stands for: |
Answer | Messaging Application Programming Interface |
Question: 12 | SignalError() function |
Answer | Fires Application SystemError event. |
Called from the SystemError event to indicate the error processing is about to begin. | |
Checks for any error signals. | |
Populates the Error object and fires Application SystemError event. | |
It is a wrong function. It should be ErrorSignal(). | |
Question: 13 | Which function changes the focus to a different column in a DataWindow? |
Answer | SetColumn |
Question: 14 | A Datawindow is passed to a function as Read-Only. Can the code in the function assign another DataWindow to the parameter Datawindow? |
Answer | Yes |
No | |
Question: 15 | What is the function used to change the value of a column in a DataWindow? |
Answer | SetItem |
Question: 16 | When a general error occurs at run-time and the Application SystemError event has no script: |
Answer | PowerBuilder displays error information and stops the application. |
PowerBuilder displays the error and allows the user to choose to continue/stop the application. | |
you can’t run a PowerBuilder application without writing script to the SystemError event. | |
logs the error informaton to a log file and continues application execution without displaying the error. | |
You can control error processing by calling SetErrorActionCode() function. | |
Question: 17 | Which DataWindow function displays an icon to indicate the current row in a DataWindow? |
Answer | SetRowFocusIndicator |
Question: 18 | You specify the start-up window name: |
Answer | by calling the Open() function in the Application Object Constructor event. |
by calling the Open() function in the Application Object Open event. | |
in the application object’s properties dialogbox at the design-time. | |
by turning the window’s StartupWindow property on at run-time. | |
Any of the above is correct. | |
Question: 19 | What is the function used to display a window as a sheet in a MDI window? |
Answer | OpenSheet or OpenSheetWithParm |
Question: 20 | Sorting can only be done at the client? |
Answer | TRUE |
False | |
Question: 21 | When you open a window using OpenWithParm(), where the parameters are stored? |
Answer | Message Object |
Question: 22 | Which of the following is correct. |
Answer | You can inherit application object only once per application. |
You can limit the number of times an application can instantiate. | |
You can declare only Public functions at the application object. | |
Application Objects can be shared between different applications, when the applications are developed in the ‘PowerBuilder Enterprise edition’. | |
None of the above. | |
Question: 23 | What is the event that is fired automatically when you close the window? |
Answer | CloseQuery |
Question: 24 | Variables declared in the Application Object are: |
Answer | global by default. |
private to the application object. | |
local to the event in which the variable is declared. | |
None of the above. | |
Answer A and B are correct. | |
Question: 25 | What is the pronoun used to refer to the ancestor from a descendent? |
Answer | Super |
Question: 26 | What events you can declare at the menu object? |
Answer | Only Menu related events. |
Only events that are not mapped to any event id. | |
Only PowerBuilder custom events. | |
There are no restrictions. | |
None of the above. | |
Question: 27 | In the client application, after connecting to the DPB server, which function you should call before firing any event/function on the proxy object? |
Answer | SetConnect/CreateInstance |
Question: 28 | Which one of the following attribute a Response window can’t have? |
Answer | Menu |
Border | |
Control Menu | |
Title | |
Maximize & Minimize buttons | |
Question: 29 | A DataWindow control dw_1 has a composite DataWindow (has three DataWindows). How many times the SQLPreview() event is fired when you call dw_1.Retrieve()? |
Answer | Number of Rows in DW Object 1 + DW Object 2 + DW Object 3 |
Number of rows in the first DW object specified. | |
Number of rows from the DW Object that you specify as Main DW object. | |
Zero times. | |
Total number of rows in all updatable DW objects in that DW. | |
Question: 30 | Disabling a menu item will: |
Answer | disable the associated toolbar icon. |
hide the associated toolbar icon. | |
not affect the toolbar icon. | |
display ‘X’ symbol in red color on the toolbar icon. | |
Question: 31 | What is the maximum number of letters an identifier in PowerBuilder can have? |
Answer | 40 |
Question: 32 | A menu item can have: |
Answer | two toolbar icons, one to display when the menu bar item is enabled, and another is when the menu bar item is disabled. |
two toolbar icons, one to display when the menu item is displayed, and another is when the menu bar item is hidden. | |
two toolbar icons one icon is for default display and another is when the mouse button is depressed. | |
You can’t associate more than one toolbar icon to a menu item. | |
You can associate any number of toolbar icons to a menu item and control which one to display in the script. | |
Question: 33 | What is the function used to change the SQL statement of a DataWindow? (Other than the Modify function). |
Answer | SetSQLSelect |
Question: 34 | When you declare an instance variable with public access at a menu, that variable can be accessed from: |
Answer | the parent window only. |
any open sheet in the MDI application. | |
the parent window and the MDI window. | |
the menu and the active sheet. | |
the menu only. | |
Question: 35 | Which DataWindow function applies DataWindow changes to the Database? |
Answer | Update |
Question: 36 | The ITEM attribute of a menu: |
Answer | contains the menu item name. |
is an array and contains one element for each of the menu bar item. | |
is an array and contains all the menu bar items and menu items ( one element for each item). | |
Menu doesn’t have ITEM attribute. It has CONTROL attribute. | |
None of the above. | |
Question: 37 | Which DataWindow function applies EditControl buffer content to the DataWindow Primary buffer? |
Answer | AcceptText |
Question: 38 | Which one of the following refers to the associated menu from the Window’s Activate event? |
Answer | ParentMenu |
This.Menu | |
This.MenuID | |
This.MenuName | |
None of the above | |
Question: 39 | Which function refreshes the Datawindow automatically at a certain intervals? |
Answer | DataWindow.Refresh(Interval) |
Return the refresh interval from the DatWindow RefreshTimer event | |
Set the DataWindow Timer property | |
None of the above | |
Question: 40 | Pronoun ‘ParentWindow’ and ParentWindow() refers to the samething. |
Answer | Yes |
No | |
Question: 41 | The function name that is used to select/de-select a item in a ListBox. |
Answer | SetState |
Question: 42 | Referring to ‘This’ from one of the Menu Item refers to: |
Answer | Menu bar item |
The Menu item in which event the pronoun THIS is coded. | |
The menu. | |
THIS is not a valid pronoun in the menu. | |
Question: 43 | Which function is used to change the SQL statement of a Datawindow, but restricted to call from a single event. |
Answer | SetSQLPreview |
Question: 44 | Which one of the following is not a valid menu event? |
Answer | Clicked |
Selected | |
MouseButtonDown | |
Question: 45 | Which function is used to re-select a row when the row is found as changed between retrieval and update. |
Answer | ReSelectRow |
Question: 46 | A window has three controls, one RadioButton, one CommandButton and one custom UserObject. That UserObject has four controls in it. UpperBound( This.Control[] ) in the Window’s Open event returns: |
Answer | Eight |
Four | |
Seven | |
Nine | |
Three | |
Question: 47 | What is the equalant function for Window1.Visible = False |
Answer | Window1.Hide |
Question: 48 | CloseQuery event is best described as: |
Answer | Fires automatically when the database query is completed. |
Trigger or Post this event to cancel the database query. | |
Fires before the window’s ‘Close’ event. | |
None of the above. | |
Question: 49 | Which function sets the mask for the EditMask control. |
Answer | SetMask |
Question: 50 | WindowName.WorkSpaceHeight() returns: |
Answer | The total height of the specified window minus the total height of toolbar,statusbar, and all the controls placed on the window. |
The total height of the specified window minus the sum of border, toolbar, menubar, statusbar, titlebar heght. | |
The second option, but applies only for the MDI Frame/Help windows. | |
The second option, but doesn’t apply to a response window. | |
There is no such function. The window has an attribute ‘WorkSpaceheight’ which you can refer directly. | |
Question: 51 | Which function gives the unformatted data from a EditMask control. |
Answer | GetData |
Question: 52 | Which one of the following statement is true? |
Answer | A window control can be dragged and dropped on another window. |
The above option is correct with once exception; it is applicable only among sheets in a MDI frame window. | |
You can drag any non-sheet window and drop it on the Operating System icons such as Printer, Mailbox, etc. | |
A Window control can be dragged and dropped only within the same window. | |
Option D is correct with one exception; It applies to only those controls that are inherited from the DragObject object. | |
Question: 53 | Which function returns the current row in the DataWindow. |
Answer | GetRow |
Question: 54 | HALT statement: |
Answer | Hangs the application. |
Closes the application. | |
Closes the application, but executes the Application Close event. | |
There is no HALT statement in PowerBuilder. We have STOP statement. | |
Stops taking input from the user till the specified time. | |
Question: 55 | Which function returns the reference handle of a child DropDownDataWindow? |
Answer | GetChild |
Question: 56 | In a SingleLineEdit control, the Modified event fires when: |
Answer | Every time user types something in the SingleLineEdit Control. |
The user completes typing and press TAB or ENTER key or change the focus by clicking on other control. | |
The content of the control is emptied out. | |
SingleLineEdit doesn’t have Modified event. It has EditChanged event. | |
Question: 57 | Which function inserts/appends a brand new record into a DataWindow? |
Answer | InsertRow |
Question: 58 | Which of the following adds a new menu item to the existing menu? |
Answer | ADD MENUITEM ‘ItemName’ ‘ItemText’ |
APPEND MENUITEM ‘ItemName’ ‘ItemText’ | |
MenuObjectName.NewMenuItem(…) | |
Find the upperbound of the ITEM[] and add one more element to the ITEM[] array and populate value and call MenuObjectName.Refresh | |
None of the above. | |
Question: 59 | Write the code in a single line to insert a row just before the current row. Assume, there are few rows in the DataWindow dw_1 and the user clicked on one of the valid row. |
Answer | dw_1.InsertRow(dw_1.GetRow()) |
Question: 60 | A window event/function has the following script: |
Answer | No matter where you code it, it will result in compilation error unless you call this on a MENU object. |
Refers to the parent window, i.e., MDI window if this window is opened as a sheet in the MDI window. Otherwise, it referrs to NULL. | |
Refers to the associated WINDOW. | |
Since, window doesn’t have a PARENT, it refers to the WINDOW itself in which it is called. | |
Question: 61 | Enter the Datawindow function name that returns the total count of rows that are scheduled for either INSERT or UPDATE in the database. |
Answer | ModifiedCount |
Question: 62 | What will happen if you call This.ParentWindow() in a window’s script? |
Answer | You will get compilation error since there is no function ‘ParentWindow()’. PowerBuilder only has a ‘ParentWindow’ pronoun. |
Returns the MDI Frame window name, if this function is called from one of the sheet in a MDI application. Returns NULL when called in the MDI window’s script. | |
You can only call the ParentWindow() function from a menu item script. | |
Question: 63 | What is the Datawindow function name that returns the total count of rows that are scheduled to DELETE from the database. |
Answer | DeletedCount |
Question: 64 | Which one of the following is true? |
Answer | You can’t write IF…ELSE statement in one line. |
You can write as long as each block (IF block, ELSE block) contains only one Statement. | |
You can write as long as the commands in each blocks are separated by a semicolon and each block is enclosed in curly brackets. | |
This type of structure is allowed only in the DataWindow expressions. | |
Question: 65 | If you wanted to put a picture of a hand pointing to the current row of a DataWindow, what function would you use? |
Answer | SetRowFocusIndicator |
Question: 66 | Assume three local integer variables, i, j, k are declared. Can you assign a value to all those three variables in one step – such as i = j = k = 100 |
Answer | Yes |
No | |
Question: 67 | A file can be copied into a DataWindow using ____________ function. |
Answer | ImportFile |
Question: 68 | What should I do if I want to issue multiple PowerScripts commands in one line? |
Answer | Yes, you need to separate each command with a colon. |
Yes, you need to separate each command with a semicolon. | |
Yes, you need to separate each command with double hyphens. | |
Multiple statements on one line is not supported in PowerScript | |
Question: 69 | ______________ function is used to add/insert a new row in the Datawindow and set the row with the value from a string. |
Answer | ImportString |
Question: 70 | Which of the following property minimizes the window to an icon. |
Answer | WindowName.State |
WindowName.WindowState | |
WindowName.Status | |
WindowName.DisplayStatus | |
None of the above. Call WindowName.Minimize() function. | |
Question: 71 | Which function copies data from the Clipboard into a DataWindow? |
Answer | ImportClipboard |
Question: 72 | Can a PowerBuilder window have it’s own vertical/horizontal scrollbars? (Not the scrollbar controls). |
Answer | Yes |
No | |
Question: 73 | Which function is used to change a validation rule in a DataWindow at runtime. |
Answer | SetValidate |
Question: 74 | The UPDATE statement in an embedded SQL statement updates 10 rows. What would be the value of SQLCODE? |
Answer | 10 |
1 | |
0 | |
100 | |
NULL | |
Question: 75 | Which function is used to change the sort criteria for a DataWindow? |
Answer | SetSort |
Question: 76 | How do you refer to the host variable in an embedded SQL |
Answer | Prefix the variable with colon. |
Prefix the variable with pound sign. | |
Prefix the variable with double colon. | |
Prefix and suffix the variable with question mark. | |
No prefix or suffix is required. Just use like any normal variable. | |
Question: 77 | Which command will order the DataWindow records on a specified key at runtime? |
Answer | Sort |
Question: 78 | Howmany Dynamic SQL formats are available in PowerBuilder? |
Answer | 3 |
1 | |
4 | |
2 | |
Dynamic SQL is not supported by PowerBuilder | |
Question: 79 | Which command/function will blank out a DataWindow? |
Answer | Reset() |
Question: 80 | product_master table has 10 rows. The host variable
‘p_desc’ in the |
Answer | The product_description of the first row from the product_master table. |
The product_description of the last row from the product_master table. | |
The product_description of all the rows from the product_master table. | |
PowerBuilder doesn’t compile a embedded SQL statement unless the SQL statement has a WHERE clause. | |
Results are unpredictable | |
Question: 81 | Which DataWindow buffer stores the deleted rows? |
Answer | Delete! |
Question: 82 | The UPDATE statement in an embedded SQL script did not update a single row. What would be value of SQLCODE? |
Answer | -1 |
NULL | |
-100 | |
0 | |
Results in error. | |
Question: 83 | Which DataWindow buffer stores the modified values of a row? |
Answer | Primary! |
Question: 84 | Which one of the following returns the number of rows affected by a SQL Statement? |
Answer | SQLCA.SQLRows |
SQLCA.RowsAffected | |
SQLCA.RowsCount | |
SQLCA.RowsCount | |
Question: 85 | Which Datawindow buffer stores the filtered rows? |
Answer | Filter! |
Question: 86 | Which one of the following contains the database specific (error) information? |
Answer | SQLDBCode |
SQLErrText | |
SQLErrorText | |
SQLReturnData | |
SQLDBErrorText | |
Question: 87 | Which Datawindow buffer stores the original values of a modified row? |
Answer | Original! |
Question: 88 | When connecting to the SQL AnyWhere database, which one of the following is true? |
Answer | You should populate SQLCA.UserID with the user name. |
You should populate SQLCA.LogID with the user name. | |
PowerBuilder automatically determines your login name using Windows SDK for you. You don’t have to populate your login name. | |
You should populate SQLCA.UserID and you should also specify in the DBParm. | |
You need to populate SQLCA.UserID and SQLCA.LogID | |
Question: 89 | Which Datawindow buffer contains the text that is currently being entered by the user? |
Answer | EditControl |
Question: 90 | When you are connecting to the Adaptive AnyWhere database using Open Database Connectivity, what should be the value you need to set for SQLCA.DBMS? |
Answer | WatcomSQL |
SQLAnyWhere | |
AdaptiveServerAnyWhere | |
ODBC | |
Sybase | |
Question: 91 | Write the function that determines whether the last actionin the DataWindow can be cancelled or not. |
Answer | CanUndo |
Question: 92 | TransactionObject.DBHandle() returns a positive long value: |
Answer | as long as the Transaction object is connected to the database. |
as long as the transaction object is not destroyed. | |
Only when the database connection is busy because of database queries. | |
Only when the database connection idle. | |
Only when the database exists. | |
Question: 93 | List the function that cancel the current DataWindow query. |
Answer | DbCancel |
Question: 94 | Which one of the following is the ancestor to the SQLCA? |
Answer | CommunicationArea |
Transaction | |
TransactionObject | |
DatabaseConnection | |
SQLConnection | |
Question: 95 | Which function returns the total number of elements, i.e. subscripts, in an array? |
Answer | UpperBound |
Question: 96 | When you change the SQLCA value to MyTransaction in the Application Painter: |
Answer | MyTransaction becomes the ancestor to the SQLCA |
MyTransaction becomes the descendent to the SQLCA | |
MyTransaction becomes the ancestor to Transaction | |
SQLCA becomes the grand parent to MyTransaction | |
You can’t change it. | |
Question: 97 | How many times the SQLPreview event triggers when a Datawindow has three nested DataWindow reports. |
Answer | 1 |
Question: 98 | I would like to have a function available at the SQLCA. What should I do? |
Answer | Define the function in the SQLCA. |
define the function in the ‘Transaction’ object. | |
Create a user object of type transaction and define the function and insert the user object between transaction and SQLCA. | |
It’s not possible in the current version. May be in future versions. | |
Define the function in the function painter and Open the SQLCA object and list the previously defined function here. | |
Question: 99 | List the function that lists the first subscript number of an array. |
Answer | LowerBound |
Question: 100 | SQLCA is available only in the Client PowerBuilder applications. It’s not available in the Server PB Applications. You need to use ServerSQLCA in the Server PB Applications. |
Answer | TRUE |
False |
Good Luck!
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