PowerBuilder Popup Menu Example
You want to change the color attribute, menu image, menu font…. you have to change the menu style attribute menustyle = contemporarymenu!.
Source Code
Source Code Example Popup Menu for DataWindows
u_dw from datawindow
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Boolean ib_popup_menu_enabled = True end variables forward prototypes public function integer of_getparentwindow (ref window aw_parent) public function integer of_setpopupmenu (boolean ab_switch) end prototypes event type integer ue_cut(); // ue_Cut() event. Return This.Cut() end event event type integer ue_copy(); // ue_Copy() event. Return This.Copy() end event event type integer ue_paste(); // ue_Paste() event. Return This.Paste() end event event type integer ue_selectall(); // ue_SelectAll() event. Return This.SelectText(1,32767) end event event type long ue_insertrow(); // ue_InsertRow() event. long ll_current_row, ll_new_row // Get current row ll_current_row = This.GetRow() If ll_current_row < 0 Then ll_current_row = 0 ll_new_row = This.InsertRow(ll_current_row) This.ScrollToRow( ll_new_row) Return ll_new_row end event event type long ue_addrow(); // ue_AddRow() event. Long ll_row ll_row = This.InsertRow(0) This.ScrollToRow( ll_row) Return ll_row end event event type integer ue_deleterow(); // ue_DeleteRow() event. Integer li_rc li_rc = This.DeleteRow(0) If li_rc > 0 Then li_rc = 0 Else li_rc = -1 End If Return li_rc end event event ue_prepopupmenuproperty(ref m_dw_popup am_dw_popup); // ue_PrePopupMenuProperty event. // Allows the popup menu items to be dynamically enabled/disabled, hidden/shown // depending on current conditions, user privileges, etc. prior to its display. Return end event public function integer of_getparentwindow (ref window aw_parent); // Public Function: of_GetParentWindow(Ref Window aw_Parent) // Dynamically obtains a reference to this control's parent window. // Returns: Integer -1 = An error occurred, 1 = Success PowerObject lpo_parent lpo_parent = This.GetParent() // Traverse up the parent object hierarchy until a window is found. Do While IsValid(lpo_parent) If lpo_parent.TypeOf() <> Window! Then lpo_parent = lpo_parent.GetParent() Else Exit End If Loop // Any luck? If IsNull(lpo_parent) Or Not IsValid(lpo_parent) Then SetNull(aw_parent) Return -1 End If aw_parent = lpo_parent Return 1 end function public function integer of_setpopupmenu (boolean ab_switch); // Public Function of_SetPopupMenu(Boolean ab_Switch) returns Integer // Enables/disables the DataWindow control's popup menu. If IsNull(ab_switch) Then Return 0 This.ib_popup_menu_enabled = ab_switch Return 1 end function on u_dw.create end on on u_dw.destroy end on event rbuttondown; // RButtonDown event. // Creates, configures, displays and destroys the popup menu. Boolean lb_have_frame_window, lb_desired, lb_read_only, lb_edit_style_attribute Integer li_tab_sequence Long ll_get_row String ls_edit_style, ls_value, ls_protect, ls_column_name, ls_current_column_name, ls_dwo_type, ls_expression window lw_parent, lw_frame, lw_sheet, lw_child_parent m_dw_popup lm_dw_popup // Can the popup menu be used? If Not This.ib_popup_menu_enabled Or IsNull(dwo) Then Return 1 // There is no popup menu support for OLE, Graph and TableBlob DWObjects. ls_dwo_type = dwo.Type If ls_dwo_type = "ole" Or ls_dwo_type = "graph" Or ls_dwo_type = "tableblob" Then Return 1 // Popup menu cannot be used when the DW is in print preview mode. If This.Object.DataWindow.Print.Preview = "yes" Then Return 1 // The PopMenu PowerScript function requires the X,Y offset from the upper-left corner // of the parent window, so we need a reference to this DW's parent window. If this app // is running in an MDI frame window, we'll need a reference to the frame window. This.of_GetParentWindow(lw_parent) If IsValid(lw_parent) Then // See if an MDI frame window exists... lw_frame = lw_parent // Check the DW control's parent window to see if it is an MDI frame. // If it isn't, try to obtain a reference to the window's parent window. Do While IsValid(lw_frame) If lw_frame.WindowType = MDI! Or lw_frame.WindowType = MDIHelp! Then // We have a reference to the MDI frame window. lb_have_frame_window = True Exit Else lw_frame = lw_frame.ParentWindow() End If Loop // Any luck obtaining a frame window reference? If lb_have_frame_window Then // Yes - Use it as the reference point for the popup menu for Sheet windows or Child windows. If lw_parent.WindowType = Child! Then lw_parent = lw_frame Else lw_sheet = lw_frame.GetFirstSheet() If IsValid(lw_sheet) Then Do // Use frame reference for popup menu if the parentwindow is a sheet window. If lw_sheet = lw_parent Then lw_parent = lw_frame Exit End If lw_sheet = lw_frame.GetNextSheet(lw_sheet) Loop Until IsNull(lw_sheet) Or Not IsValid(lw_sheet) End If End If Else // This is an SDI application. // Use the control's parent window as the reference point for the popup menu, except if it is a child window. If lw_parent.WindowType = Child! Then lw_child_parent = lw_parent.ParentWindow() If IsValid(lw_child_parent) Then lw_parent = lw_child_parent End If End If End If Else // The popup menu cannot be used. Return 1 End If // Create the popup menu object and register this DataWindow control as the popup menu's parent object. lm_dw_popup = Create m_dw_popup lm_dw_popup.of_SetParent(This) // Let's configure row-related menu items (Insert/Add/Delete)... ll_get_row = This.GetRow() // Is the entire DataWindow in read/only mode? ls_value = Lower(Trim(This.Describe("DataWindow.ReadOnly"))) If ls_value = "yes" Then lb_read_only = True Else lb_read_only = False End If // Can the popup menu's Insert Row, Add Row & Delete Row menu items be enabled? Choose Case ls_dwo_type Case "datawindow", "column", "compute", "text", "report", & "bitmap", "line", "ellipse", "rectangle", "roundrectangle" // Row operations are based on read/only status. lm_dw_popup.m_popup.m_insert.Enabled = Not lb_read_only lm_dw_popup.m_popup.m_add.Enabled = Not lb_read_only lm_dw_popup.m_popup.m_delete.Enabled = Not lb_read_only // Menu item enablement for current row If Not lb_read_only Then lb_desired = False If ll_get_row > 0 Then lb_desired = True lm_dw_popup.m_popup.m_delete.Enabled = lb_desired lm_dw_popup.m_popup.m_insert.Enabled = lb_desired End If Case Else // Unable to enable row-related menu items. lm_dw_popup.m_popup.m_insert.Enabled = False lm_dw_popup.m_popup.m_delete.Enabled = False lm_dw_popup.m_popup.m_add.Enabled = False End Choose // If there is a current column, see if it is editable or protected. ls_current_column_name = This.GetColumnName() If ls_dwo_type = "column" Then // This is a column DWObject... look at the column's edit style and Protect property. ls_edit_style = dwo.Edit.Style ls_column_name = dwo.Name ls_protect = dwo.Protect If Not IsNumber(ls_protect) Then // The Protect property value is NOT a number, so it must be an expression. // Evaluate the expression based on the row number passed in to this event. ls_expression = Right(ls_protect,Len(ls_protect) - Pos(ls_protect,"~t")) ls_expression = "Evaluate(~"" + ls_expression + "," + String(row) + ")" ls_protect = This.Describe(ls_expression) End If // Obtain the column's tab (order) sequence. ls_value = dwo.TabSequence If IsNumber(ls_value) Then li_tab_sequence = Integer(ls_value) End If End If // Enable data transfer operations only for editable column edit styles. lm_dw_popup.m_popup.m_copy.Enabled = False lm_dw_popup.m_popup.m_cut.Enabled = False lm_dw_popup.m_popup.m_paste.Enabled = False lm_dw_popup.m_popup.m_selectall.Enabled = False // Check if the column is editable... the specifics depend on the edit style. If ls_dwo_type = "column" And Not lb_read_only Then Choose Case ls_edit_style Case "edit" ls_value = dwo.Edit.DisplayOnly Case "editmask" ls_value = dwo.EditMask.Readonly Case "ddlb" ls_value = dwo.DDLB.AllowEdit Case "dddw" ls_value = dwo.DDDW.AllowEdit Case Else ls_value = "" End Choose If IsNull(ls_value) Or ls_value = "" Then ls_value = "no" ls_value = Lower(Trim(ls_value)) If ls_value = "yes" Then lb_edit_style_attribute = True Else lb_edit_style_attribute = False End If End If // Is this an editable column? If ls_dwo_type = "column" And Not lb_read_only Then If dwo.BitmapName = "no" And ls_edit_style <> "checkbox" And ls_edit_style <> "radiobuttons" Then If Len(This.SelectedText()) > 0 And ll_get_row = row And ls_current_column_name = ls_column_name Then // Is a Copy operation allowed? lm_dw_popup.m_popup.m_copy.Enabled = True // Is a Cut operation allowed? If li_tab_sequence > 0 And ls_protect = "0" Then lb_desired = False Choose Case ls_edit_style Case "edit", "editmask" lb_desired = Not lb_edit_style_attribute Case "ddlb", "dddw" lb_desired = lb_edit_style_attribute End Choose lm_dw_popup.m_popup.m_cut.Enabled = lb_desired End If End If If li_tab_sequence > 0 And ls_protect = "0" Then // Is a Paste operation allowed? If Len(Clipboard()) > 0 Then lb_desired = False Choose Case ls_edit_style Case "edit", "editmask" lb_desired = Not lb_edit_style_attribute Case "ddlb", "dddw" lb_desired = lb_edit_style_attribute End Choose lm_dw_popup.m_popup.m_paste.Enabled = lb_desired End If // Is a Select All operation allowed? If Len(This.GetText()) > 0 And ll_get_row = row And ls_current_column_name = ls_column_name Then Choose Case ls_edit_style Case "ddlb", "dddw" lb_desired = lb_edit_style_attribute Case Else lb_desired = True End Choose lm_dw_popup.m_popup.m_selectall.Enabled = lb_desired End If End If End If End If // Allow the descendant DataWindow to reconfigure any/all popup menu items... This.Event ue_PrePopupMenuProperty(lm_dw_popup) // Allow for any other changes to the popup menu before it is displayed... This.Event ue_PrePopupMenu(lm_dw_popup) // Display the popup menu... lm_dw_popup.m_popup.PopMenu(lw_parent.PointerX() + 5, lw_parent.PointerY() + 10) Destroy lm_dw_popup // Issue a return code of 1 so that PB knows we have handled the RButtonDown event. Return 1 end event |
m_dw_popup from menu
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this.menutextcolor = 134217735 this.menubackcolor = 134217730 this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217857 this.textsize = 8 this.weight = 400 this.facename = "Tahoma" this.titlebackcolor = 134217730 this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256 this.menubitmaps = true this.titlegradient = true this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746 this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864 this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741 this.toolbargradient = true this.bitmapgradient = true this.m_popup=create m_popup this.Item[UpperBound(this.Item)+1]=this.m_popup end on on m_dw_popup.destroy call super::destroy destroy(this.m_popup) end on type m_popup from menu within m_dw_popup m_cut m_cut m_copy m_copy m_paste m_paste m_selectall m_selectall m_sep1 m_sep1 m_insert m_insert m_add m_add m_delete m_delete end type on m_popup.create call super::create this.text = "&Popup" this.menustyle = contemporarymenu! this.menutextcolor = 134217735 this.menubackcolor = 134217730 this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217857 this.textsize = 8 this.weight = 400 this.facename = "Tahoma" this.titlebackcolor = 134217730 this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256 this.menubitmaps = true this.titlegradient = true this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746 this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864 this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741 this.toolbargradient = true this.bitmapgradient = true this.m_cut=create m_cut this.m_copy=create m_copy this.m_paste=create m_paste this.m_selectall=create m_selectall this.m_sep1=create m_sep1 this.m_insert=create m_insert this.m_add=create m_add this.m_delete=create m_delete this.Item[UpperBound(this.Item)+1]=this.m_cut this.Item[UpperBound(this.Item)+1]=this.m_copy this.Item[UpperBound(this.Item)+1]=this.m_paste this.Item[UpperBound(this.Item)+1]=this.m_selectall this.Item[UpperBound(this.Item)+1]=this.m_sep1 this.Item[UpperBound(this.Item)+1]=this.m_insert this.Item[UpperBound(this.Item)+1]=this.m_add this.Item[UpperBound(this.Item)+1]=this.m_delete end on on m_popup.destroy call super::destroy destroy(this.m_cut) destroy(this.m_copy) destroy(this.m_paste) destroy(this.m_selectall) destroy(this.m_sep1) destroy(this.m_insert) destroy(this.m_add) destroy(this.m_delete) end on type m_cut from menu within m_popup end type on m_cut.create call super::create this.text = "C&ut" this.enabled = false this.menuimage = "Cut!" this.menustyle = contemporarymenu! this.menutextcolor = 134217735 this.menubackcolor = 134217730 this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217857 this.textsize = 8 this.weight = 400 this.facename = "Tahoma" this.titlebackcolor = 134217730 this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256 this.menubitmaps = true this.titlegradient = true this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746 this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864 this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741 this.toolbargradient = true this.bitmapgradient = true end on on m_cut.destroy call super::destroy end on event clicked;idw_parent.Dynamic Event ue_cut() end event type m_copy from menu within m_popup end type on m_copy.create call super::create this.text = "&Copy" this.enabled = false this.menuimage = "Copy!" this.menustyle = contemporarymenu! this.menutextcolor = 134217735 this.menubackcolor = 134217730 this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217857 this.textsize = 8 this.weight = 400 this.facename = "Tahoma" this.titlebackcolor = 134217730 this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256 this.menubitmaps = true this.titlegradient = true this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746 this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864 this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741 this.toolbargradient = true this.bitmapgradient = true end on on m_copy.destroy call super::destroy end on event clicked;idw_parent.Dynamic Event ue_copy() end event type m_paste from menu within m_popup end type on m_paste.create call super::create this.text = "&Paste" this.enabled = false this.menuimage = "Paste!" this.menustyle = contemporarymenu! this.menutextcolor = 134217735 this.menubackcolor = 134217730 this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217857 this.textsize = 8 this.weight = 400 this.facename = "Tahoma" this.titlebackcolor = 134217730 this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256 this.menubitmaps = true this.titlegradient = true this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746 this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864 this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741 this.toolbargradient = true this.bitmapgradient = true end on on m_paste.destroy call super::destroy end on event clicked;idw_parent.Dynamic Event ue_paste() end event type m_selectall from menu within m_popup end type on m_selectall.create call super::create this.text = "&Select All" this.enabled = false this.menuimage = "SelectAll!" this.menustyle = contemporarymenu! this.menutextcolor = 134217735 this.menubackcolor = 134217730 this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217857 this.textsize = 8 this.weight = 400 this.facename = "Tahoma" this.titlebackcolor = 134217730 this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256 this.menubitmaps = true this.titlegradient = true this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746 this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864 this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741 this.toolbargradient = true this.bitmapgradient = true end on on m_selectall.destroy call super::destroy end on event clicked;idw_parent.Dynamic Event ue_selectall() end event type m_sep1 from menu within m_popup end type on m_sep1.create call super::create this.text = "-" this.menustyle = contemporarymenu! this.menutextcolor = 134217735 this.menubackcolor = 134217730 this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217857 this.textsize = 8 this.weight = 400 this.facename = "Tahoma" this.titlebackcolor = 134217730 this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256 this.menubitmaps = true this.titlegradient = true this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746 this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864 this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741 this.toolbargradient = true this.bitmapgradient = true end on on m_sep1.destroy call super::destroy end on type m_insert from menu within m_popup end type on m_insert.create call super::create this.text = "&Insert" this.enabled = false this.menuimage = "Insert!" this.menustyle = contemporarymenu! this.menutextcolor = 134217735 this.menubackcolor = 134217730 this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217857 this.textsize = 8 this.weight = 400 this.facename = "Tahoma" this.titlebackcolor = 134217730 this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256 this.menubitmaps = true this.titlegradient = true this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746 this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864 this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741 this.toolbargradient = true this.bitmapgradient = true end on on m_insert.destroy call super::destroy end on event clicked;idw_parent.Dynamic Event ue_insertrow() end event type m_add from menu within m_popup end type on m_add.create call super::create this.text = "&Add" this.enabled = false this.menuimage = "Insert5!" this.menustyle = contemporarymenu! this.menutextcolor = 134217735 this.menubackcolor = 134217730 this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217857 this.textsize = 8 this.weight = 400 this.facename = "Tahoma" this.titlebackcolor = 134217730 this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256 this.menubitmaps = true this.titlegradient = true this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746 this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864 this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741 this.toolbargradient = true this.bitmapgradient = true end on on m_add.destroy call super::destroy end on event clicked;idw_parent.Dynamic Event ue_addrow() end event type m_delete from menu within m_popup end type on m_delete.create call super::create this.text = "&Delete" this.enabled = false this.menuimage = "DeleteRow!" this.menustyle = contemporarymenu! this.menutextcolor = 134217735 this.menubackcolor = 134217730 this.menuhighlightcolor = 134217857 this.textsize = 8 this.weight = 400 this.facename = "Tahoma" this.titlebackcolor = 134217730 this.bitmapbackcolor = 12632256 this.menubitmaps = true this.titlegradient = true this.toolbartextcolor = 134217746 this.toolbarbackcolor = 67108864 this.toolbarhighlightcolor = 134217741 this.toolbargradient = true this.bitmapgradient = true end on on m_delete.destroy call super::destroy end on event clicked;idw_parent.Dynamic Event ue_deleterow() end event |
w_main from window
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 | forward global type w_main from window end type type cb_popup from commandbutton within w_main end type type dw_1 from u_dw within w_main end type type cb_close from commandbutton within w_main end type end forward global type w_main from window integer width = 2784 integer height = 1812 boolean titlebar = true string title = "Popup Menu" boolean controlmenu = true long backcolor = 67108864 string icon = "AppIcon!" boolean center = true cb_popup cb_popup dw_1 dw_1 cb_close cb_close end type global w_main w_main on w_main.create this.cb_popup=create cb_popup this.dw_1=create dw_1 this.cb_close=create cb_close this.Control[]={this.cb_popup,& this.dw_1,& this.cb_close} end on on w_main.destroy destroy(this.cb_popup) destroy(this.dw_1) destroy(this.cb_close) end on type cb_popup from commandbutton within w_main integer x = 9 integer y = 1596 integer width = 590 integer height = 112 integer taborder = 20 integer textsize = -10 integer weight = 400 fontcharset fontcharset = ansi! fontpitch fontpitch = variable! fontfamily fontfamily = swiss! string facename = "Tahoma" string text = "Popup Menu Off" end type event clicked; // Clicked event. If Lower(Right(This.Text,3)) = "off" Then dw_1.of_SetPopupMenu(False) This.Text = "Popup Menu On" Else dw_1.of_SetPopupMenu(True) This.Text = "Popup Menu Off" End If Return 0 end event type dw_1 from u_dw within w_main integer x = 14 integer y = 16 integer width = 2738 integer height = 1556 integer taborder = 10 string dataobject = "d_customer" boolean hscrollbar = true boolean vscrollbar = true end type event constructor;call super::constructor; // Constructor event. end event type cb_close from commandbutton within w_main integer x = 2446 integer y = 1596 integer width = 306 integer height = 112 integer taborder = 30 integer textsize = -10 integer weight = 400 fontcharset fontcharset = ansi! fontpitch fontpitch = variable! fontfamily fontfamily = swiss! string facename = "Tahoma" string text = "&Close" end type event clicked; // Clicked event Close(Parent) end event |
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Dr. ", "Middletown", "CT", "64579 ", "2035553464", "Ralston Inc.", 107, "Kelly", "Colburn", "18131 Vallco Parkway ", "Raleigh", "NC", "27695-7209", "9195555152", "The Home Club", 108, "Matthew", "Goforth", "11801 Wayzata Blvd. ", "Chattanooga", "TN", "37421", "6155558926", "Raleigh Co.", 109, "Jessie", "Gagliardo", "2800 Park Avenue ", "Hull", "PQ", "K1A 0H3", "8195559539", "Newton Ent.", 110, "Michael", "Agliori", "13705 North Glebe Road ", "Columbus", "OH", "43216", "6145552496", "The Pep Squad", 111, "Dylan", "Ricci", "14700 Prosperity Avenue ", "Syracuse", "NY", "13202", "3155554486", "Dynamics Inc.", 112, "Shawn", "McDonough", "15175 S Main Street ", "Brooklyn Park", "MN", "55428", "6125555603", "McManus Inc.", 113, "Samuel", "Kaiser", "404 Bristol Street ", "Minneapolis", "MN", "55041", "6125553409", "Lakes Inc.", 114, "Shane", "Chopp", "9925 Summer Street ", "St Paul", "MN", "55104", "6125556453", "Howard Co.", 115, "Shannon", "Phillips", "20555 Cory Road ", "St Paul", "MN", "55114", "6125556425", "Sterling & Co.", 116, "Brian", "Gugliuzza", "39111 Wyman Street ", "Mamaroneck", "NY", "10543", "9145553817", "Sampson & Sons", 117, "Meredith", "Morgan", "9191 Galveston Drive ", "Westerville", "OH", "43081", "6145558989", "Square Sports", 118, "Kristina", "Sanford", "2196th Street ", "Raleigh", "NC", "27695-7209", "9195555152", "Raleigh Active Wear", 119, "Tomm", "Smith", "3 Post Oak Blvd. ", "South Laguna", "CA", "92677", "7145554996", "Ocean Sports", 120, "Gertrude", "Stein", "4 Amon Carter Blvd. ", "Elmsford", "NY", "10523", "9145553476", "Carney Co.", 121, "Pete", "Elkins", "23 Lawerence Street ", "Carmel", "IN", "46032", "3175558437", "Carmel Industries", 122, "Al", "Dente", "25 N.E. 38th Place ", "McLean", "VA", "22102", "7035557491", "Virgina Power", 123, "Amanda", "Lin", "25 North Pine Grove ", "Winnipeg", "MB", "R3C 3V6", "2045555559", "North Land Trading", 124, "Fanny", "Farmer", "110 Barnard Lane ", "Wilmington", "MA", "01887", "6175559386", "The Ristuccia Center", 125, "Sidney", "Smelledge", "125 Merritt Drive ", "St. Louis", "MO", "63101", "3145553426", "Bush Pro Shop", 126, "Sam", "Ovar", "5 Lindenwood Drive ", "San Francisco", "CA", "94105", "4155555972", "Golden Gate Active Wear", 127, "Mary", "Lamm", "10 McKinney", "Sarasota", "FL", "34243", "8135557566", "The Palms", 128, "Hardy", "Mums", "11 5th Avenue S.W. ", "Boston", "MA", "02106", "6175554340", "BoSox Club", 129, "Heinz", "Fahrvergnugen", "11 Armagh Street ", "Baltimore", "MD", "21202", "3015553322", "Camden Sports Apparel", 130, "Sal", "Monella", "20th Eastlake Avenue ", "New Berlin", "WI", "53141", "4145556799", "Wyse Corp.", 131, "Daljit", "Sinnot", "145 Presidents Landing ", "Bohemia", "NY", "11716", "5165559811", "The Pro Shopp", 132, "Marilyn", "King", "167 South Ulster", "Fort Wayne", "IN", "46801", "2195554551", "Bristol Co.", 133, "Moe", "Bilhome", "180 W. Colfax Avenue ", "Burbank", "CA", "91505", "8185558455", "Bilhome Industries", 134, "Paddy", "O'Furniture", "1180 W. Las Colinas ", "Mogadore", "OH", "44260", "2165556283", "Gifts & Things", 135, "Belinda", "Clarke", "204 Constitution Avenue ", "New York", "NY", "10001", "2125555026", "Hermanns", 136, "Tommie", "Wooten", "1322 Hing Wai Building ", "Plymouth", "MN", "55447", "6125553373", "Leisure Time", 137, "Polly", "Morfek", "879 Hopyard Road ", "Ft. Wayne", "IN", "46808", "2195554297", "Sports Plus", 138, "Regus", "Patoff", "22 James Way ", "Burlington", "ON", "L7N 5L1", "9065554252", "Sports Replay", 139, "Jai", "Dimitros", "236 Marineship Way ", "Boston", "MA", "02201", "6175556354", "Martins Landing", 140, "Thomas", "Thumb", "250 North Vine Street ", "Salt Lake City", "UT", "84180", "8015553550", "Ski,Ski,Ski", 141, "Peter", "Pyper", "408 Beta Mall", "Fort Wayne", "IN", "46801", "2195554552", "Mall Side Sports", 142, "Alfredo", "Margolis", "400 Bloor Street East", "Kansas City", "MO", "64114", "8165558543", "Creative Customs Inc.", 143, "Peter", "Piper", "3100 Stevens Creek Blvd. ", "Winnipeg", "MB", "R3C 3V6", "2045559414", "Molly's", 144, "Fangmei", "Wan", "4513 E. Hillsdale ", "Stowe", "MA", "01775", "5085558979", "Green Acre's Custom Tee's", 145, "John", "Doe", "357 Wellworth Ave ", "Fairfax", "VA", "22030", "7035552184", "Doe, Rae, Mee", 146, "Alberto", "Yost", "375 White Horse Road ", "Spokane", "WA", "99216", "5095559276", "Custom Designs", 147, "Manoj", "Lela", "501 Third Avenue North ", "Wood Bridge", "NJ", "07095", "9085556021", "Norton Co.", 148, "Beth", "Crooker", "501 College Road ", "Winnepeg", "MB", "R3C 2P4", "2045555554", "Cooper Inc.", 149, "Hans", "Uhnfitte", "3700 West Wacker Dr ", "Winnepeg", "MB", "R3C 2P4", "2045554744", "The Ultimate ", 150, "Carl", "Mason", "1000 Powell Street ", "Don Mills", "ON", "M3C 3N4", "4165555108", "Power Play", 151, "Balwinder", "Sinitskaya", "1133 Century Blvd ", "Overland Park", "KS", "66210", "9135554519", "Toto's Active Wear", 152, "Davey", "Jones", "1218 Inelt Business Ctr. ", "Austin", "NY", "11746", "5165555952", "Play it again Sports", 153, "Paul", "Jones", "1221 Innovation Drive ", "Cincinnati", "OH", "45202", "5135557622", "Three Rivers Pro Shop", 154, "Marvin", "Smythe", "1291 North 27th Ave ", "North Miami", "FL", "33181", "3055559457", "Marlin Mainia", 155, "Milo", "Phipps", "1380 Osterbrogade ", "Lakewood", "OH", "44107", "2165552264", "Things Remembered", 156, "Sue", "DuCode", "1515 San Thomas Avenue ", "St Louis", "MO", "63131", "3145558227", "Ozzie's Haven", 157, "William", "Watcom", "1615 Silver Lake Road ", "Chicago", "IL", "60645", "3125557433", "The Cub's Den", 158, "Jack", "Cass", "3626 West Court Street ", "Lexington", "MA", "02173", "6175558610", "Jordan's Basement", 159, "Rick", "Shaw", "3715 West Loop South ", "West Bloomfield", "MI", "48324", "3135553638", "ScrimShaw's", 160, "Clara", "Nette", "3773 Wilshire Blvd ", "Port Washington", "NY", "11050", "5165556250", "Discount Department Store", 161, "Gene", "Poole", "3860 Vreeland Road ", "Washington", "DC", "20581", "2025556537", "State House Active Wear", 162, "Melba", "Toste", "3930 51st Ave North ", "Powell", "OH", "43065", "6145558983", "The Real Deal", 163, "R.I.", "Peese", "4199 Buckingham ", "Mississauga", "ON", "L4W 2S6", "4165556026", "Mount Eastern Sports", 164, "Aram", "Najarian", "200 Cambridge Center ", "Danbury", "CT", "6811", "2035557907", "Bloomfield's", 165, "Tamara", "Mournen", "42 Choke Cherry Road ", "Ft. Wayne", "IN", "46808", "2195554297", "Moran's Gift Shop", 166, "Malcolm", "Naddem", "4255 Commerce Parkway ", "Buford", "GA", "30518", "4045552529", "Hospital Gift's", 167, "Nicklas", "Cara", "1700 State Highway 249 ", "Lakewood", "OH", "44107", "2165552264", "The Road Side Inn", 168, "Almen", "de Joie", "1750 Sweitzer Lane ", "Huntington Beach", "CA", "92649", "7145555475", "Surf's Up!", 169, "Laura", "Terlemezian", "240 First Street", "Matthews", "NC", "28105", "7045558411", "CoMed", 170, "Manh", "Neubauer", "2140 Haddington Street ", "Jacksonville", "FL", "32206", "9045553551", "Jason's Sporting Goods", 171, "Vincent", "Nahra", "2180 Harwin Drive ", "West Chicago", "IL", "60185-1120", "3125555551", "Iron Mike's Apparel", 172, "Grace", "Perez", "395 Market Street ", "Landover", "MA", "20785", "3015557728", "Avon Inc.", 173, "Grover", "Pendelton", "239 Merritt Drive ", "Clarksburg", "MD", "20871", "3015554284", "Simply Tee's", 174, "Anabai", "Zoblotny", "12600 N.E. Airport Way ", "Denver", "CO", "80225", "3035552757", "Hats Etc.", 175, "Tawfik", "Perkins", "1270 N.W. 7th Avenue ", "Victoria", "BC", "V8W 2B7", "6045553801", "The Hat Company", 176, "Helen", "Shumovich", "2800 Park Plaza #1800 ", "Baltimore", "MD", "21209", "4105553322", "The Bird's Loft", 177, "Joseph", "Zubenko", "314 Stonehollow Drive ", "Raleigh", "NC", "27695", "9195555152", "Avco Ent.", 178, "Suresh", "Naidu", "321 Sycamore Drive", "New London", "CT", "6320", "2035554440", "Amy's Silk Screening", 179, "Marsha", "Nguyen", "44 Dunlaney Gate Circle ", "Miramar", "FL", "33027", "3055554336", "Resco", 180, "Edith", "Peros", "50 Market Street ", "Rochester", "NY", "14624", "7165554275", "Breswick's Department Store", 181, "Emunah", "Teeven", "101 Wilshire Blvd. ", "Washington", "DC", "20240", "2025552083", "Hometown Tee's", 182, "Leilani", "Gardner", "103 Campus Drive ", "Acworth", "CA", "30102", "4045559283", "Polly's Custom Design", 183, "Marilyn", "Nakagama", "105 Central Avenue ", "Winter Park", "FL", "32792", "4075556776", "Zoo Gift Shop", 184, "Anoush", "Serafina", "4643 Greenway Place ", "Overland Park", "KS", "66210", "9135554519", "Westend Dealers", 185, "Serop", "Belmont", "4867 Hadley Lane", "Hartford", "CT", "6115", "2035555474", "The Heartford", 186, "Thao", "Tenorio", "5000 Midway Road ", "Kansas City", "MO", "64105", "8165558543", "Wally's World ", 187, "Sebouh", "Bensoul", "8024 Van Ness Way ", "Peoria", "IL", "61614", "3095556915", "Bensoul's Boutique", 188, "Vartan", "Berenberg", "1020 110th Avenue N.E. ", "Northbrook", "IL", "60062", "7085552914", "Diva's Design", 189, "Herbert", "Berejiklian", "1535 Municiple Drive ", "Cambridge", "MA", "02142", "6175553547", "Out of Town Sports", 190, "Randy", "Arlington", "1635 N Franklin Turnpike ", "Detriot", "MI", "48214", "3135555716", "Jim Dandy's", 191, "Marta", "Richards", "10707 Northridge Road ", "Miami", "FL", "33172", "3055554711", "Ocean Sports Wear", 192, "Rosanna", "Beldov", "1889 Northside Parkway ", "Sioux City", "IA", "51102", "7125552741", "Morrell Inc.", 193, "Alfred", "Newman", "2721 Northeast 99th Way ", "Kansas City", "MO", "64114", "8165558543", "Big Sky Design", 194, "Jen-Chang", "Chin", "2770 Oyster Point Blvd ", "Fairfax", "VA", "02203", "7035558037", "Cinnamon Rainbow's", 195, "Li-Hui", "Jyh-Hwa", "301 Potrero Avenue ", "Atlanta", "GA", "30303", "4045556762", "Peachtree Active Wear", 196, "Ling Ling", "Andrews", "303 Roe Avenue ", "Edmonton", "AB", "T5N 1S5", "4035554884", "The Igloo", 197, "Maio", "Chermak", "330 Sycamore Road ", "Atlanta", "GA", "30346", "4045558046", "Southern Sports", 198, "Sheng", "Chen", "1801 W. Six Mile Road ", "San Ramon", "CA", "94583", "5105558666", "Able Inc.", 199, "Ella", "Mentary", "452 Embarcadero Center ", "Rochester", "NY", "14644", "7165554236", "Nobel Co.", 200, "Helen", "Chau", "1900 Yamato Road ", "North Potomac", "MD", "20878", "3015553099", "Stone's Sporting Goods", 201, "Amit", "Singh", "1986 Yonge Street", "Overland Park", "KS", "66210", "9135554519", "Overland Army Navy", 202, "Bubba", "Murphy", "2401 N. 44th Street ", "White Plains", "NY", "10604", "9145556961", "Dane's World", 203, "Salton", "Pepper", "401 Boylston Street", "Madison", "WI", "53705", "6085552673", "Salt & Pepper's", 204, "Robert", "Spaid", "333 Town Center ", "Jackson", "MI", "49202", "5175557883", "Cognos Sports", 205, "Elmo", "Smythe", "2815 Plaza Street ", "East Douglas", "MA", "01516", "5085554761", "East Coast Traders", 206, "JohnPaul", "Jones", "2999 Post Oak Blvd. ", "Reston", "VA", "22091", "7035556209", "Chadwicks", 207, "Wen-Chu", "Donchek", "2406 N. Mission ", "Lisle", "IL", "60532", "7085555055", "The Country Store", 208, "Derek", "Suess", "234 King George Drive", "Albany", "NY", "12208", "5185552623", "Capital Center Sports", 209, "Laura", "Boyle", "130 Pillsbury Road", "Los Altos", "CA", "94022", "4155559678", "Boyle's Swap Meet", 220, "Lewis N.", "Clark", "245 Expedition Hwy", "Laramie", "WY", "85293", "3075556589", "Trek Outfitters", 221, "Jack ", "Johnson", "45 Shoebox Lane", "Santa Fe", "NM", "40420", "5055554568", "Turkey Creek Co.", 222, "Jane", "Doe", "57 Disk Drive", "San Jose", "CA", "94020", "4085558796", "data Recovery Services", 330, "John", "Glenn", "90 Rocket Pad", "Orlando", "FL", "32200", "4075558574", "Launch Facilities", 331, "Dominic", "Johansen", "33 West Street", "New Orleans", "LA", "33552", "5045558487", "Mardi Gras Parties", 332, "Stanley", "Jue", "67 Bronco Circle", "Houston", "TX", "77057", "7135558857", "Bay Town Bus Co.", 333, "Harry", "Jones", "25 Software Rd", "San Jose", "CA", "94020", "4085556689", "Bits & Bytes", 440, "Marie", "Curie", "210 Helping Hand Hwy", "LeCroix", "MA", "02140", "6175558875", "Wind & Rain", 441, "Elizibeth", "Bordon", "87 Grinding Stone Rd", "New Bedford", "MA", "01801", "5085558879", "Blades & things", 444, "Len", "Manager", "23 Network Way", "Dallas", "TX", "76552", "2145552685", "Let's get Connected", 550, "Tony", "Antolini", "6678 Sliver Road", "Fargo", "ND", "60500", "7015553259", "Flat Landers", 551, "Tom", "Cruz", "789 Far Away Lane", "Eugene", "OR", "98524", "5035557462", "Raceway Engines", 552, "Janice", "O'Toole", "654 West Hill", "Nashville", "TN", "37320", "6155553689", "Greensleeves", 553, "Stevie", "Nickolas", "77 Recordings Circle", "Tacoma", "WA", "96521", "5095551695", "It's a Hit!", 555, "Philipe", "Fernandez", "99 Main Street", "Los Angeles", "CA", "90205", "2135554457", "Quaker Fashions", 661, "Jennifer", "Stutzman", "3 Back Pages Lane", "Missola", "IL", "60505", "7085556857", "Stutzman Advertising", 665, "William", 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